Date and Time
Saturday Dec 3, 2022
The Corona Fire Department will be collecting new, unwrapped toys for deserving families within our community. Donate to the Spark of Love Toy Drive, November 15 to December 24, 2022. Collection sites will include all 7 Corona Fire Stations, Fire Headquarters, the Circle City Center, and the Corona Public Library. All toys will be donated to the Settlement House, which will then be distributed to children and deserving families within Corona and Norco.
Find the Nearest Collection Site and Donate Today!
Fire Station 1: 540 Magnolia Avenue
Fire Station 2: 225 East Harrison Street
Fire Station 3: 790 South Smith Avenue
Fire Station 4: 915 North McKinley Street
Fire Station 5: 1200 Canyon Crest
Fire Station 6: 110 West Upper Drive
Fire Station 7: 3777 Bedford Canyon
Fire Headquarters: 735 Public Safety Way
Circle City Center: 365 N. Main Street
Corona Public Library: 650 South Main Street
Upcoming Spark of Love Collection Event
Sunday, December 4, 2022: Corona Fire Department will be collecting toys for the Spark of Love toy drive at the Annual Holiday Lighting Celebration! Donate a gift, take a picture with Santa, and play in real snow!
About the Spark of Love Toy Drive
The Spark of Love is a partnership between ABC7 and fire departments across southern California. Over the past years, the Spark of Love Toy Drive has successfully collected more than ten million toys for underserved children and teens. The ?Spark of Love Toy Drive? takes place in November and December every year. With love and support of donors and sponsors, kids across Southern California receive a new toy each holiday season.