Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 7, 2025
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM PDT
October 7, 2023
Noon to 5:00 PM
Turning Point Church Auditorium
2000 Norco Drive
Norco, CA
Adult Dinner Tickets are $35.00 We are selling business card-sized ads on the placemat that will be used by all diners. Last year we had approximately 400 diners attend. We would greatly appreciate your participation in our dinner by purchasing a business-card ad on our place mat at a cost of only $40.00 per ad space.
$20.00 for children under 10 years of age
Everyone who attends our dinner may select and take home a hand-painted or hand-crafted bowl to remind them of the hunger that exists in our community – for those who go to bed hungry, with an "empty bowl."
Sponsorships are also available!!!
Contact Information
Rochelle Reese, Empty Bowls Chairman
Send Email

Discover a meaningful event: The Corona-Norco Settlement House is hosting the 14th Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser Dinner. Experience an evening of compassion and community as you savor a delicious meal and choose a handmade bowl to take home. By participating, you're helping combat hunger and food insecurity. Join us in making a positive impact one bowl at a time.
Some of our finest area restaurants donate their specialty soups, along with a salad, an array of desserts, or beverages. There will be live entertainment throughout the day, plus many raffle and silent auction items. Everyone who attends our dinner may select and take home a hand-painted or crafted bowl to remind them of the hunger that exists in our community – for those who go to bed hungry, with an "empty bowl."
Once again, we are selling business card-sized ads on the placemat that will be used by all diners. Last year we had approximately 400 diners attend. We would greatly appreciate your participation in our dinner by purchasing a business-card ad on our placemat at a cost of only $40.00 per ad space.
To add your name, business, or organization to our special "patchwork placemat" display of caring local advertisers, just send one of your business cards, plus a check for $40.00 payable to Empty Bowls - Corona-Norco Settlement House. We need all ad insertions by September 25, 2023.
Thanks in advance for considering this request for your advertising support. And, please, mark October 7th on your calendar - we'd love to welcome you to this exceptionally worthwhile community event. Adult Tickets are $35.00, $20.00 for children under 10 years of age.