Date and Time
Saturday Oct 19, 2024
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM PDT
Boudreau Pipeline Corporation
463 N. Smith Ave.
Corona, CA 92878
Free admission & Free parking/ shuttle service
Contact Information
Martha Bobadilla-Torres
Send Email

At Boudreau Pipeline we believe in giving back to our community by supporting many charities and industry associations. Join us for our 8th Annual Charity Car & Bike Show, October 19, 2024, from 9AM- 3PM. We will have delicious food trucks, treats, a beer garden with local brews, craft goods, a kids zone with face-painting, petting zoo, and a bounce house, music, amazing raffle items and incredible cars and bikes on display.
Each year we have a charitable theme and this year we are focusing on 2 charities that support Military Veterans.
Working Dogs for Warriors, located in Fontana, CA, is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping our Nation's Warriors by training and donating service dogs to our Veterans and First Responders, and providing community outreach to service members.
Our second charity that we are supporting is Leaps and Bounds Pediatric Therapy, located in Norco, CA. Not only do they provide pediatric hippotherapy (horse therapy) and speech therapy to our community's children but is also working towards expanding their therapy services to our Military Veterans, as well.
Last year we raised $81,283 and hope to surpass $100,000 this year. To make it another record-breaking year, we are asking everyone to pull together to help us reach our goal of $100K! If you would like to be a sponsor or make a direct donation, please visit our charity website: www.bpcgives.com and make your tax-deductible donation today!